Best Cycling from RION Official Store for Shorts Cushion-Upgrade Culotte Cycling-Bib Road-Bike-Tights MTB Race-Bicycle Elastic
The most typical thing consumers are doing when shopping online Shorts Cushion-Upgrade Culotte Cycling-Bib Road-Bike-Tights MTB Race-Bicycle Elastic is you likely guessed this one working. A lot more than 57% of online purchasers have shopped at work. Actually there Is a good chance you are working kind of while you are scanning this article. The other well-liked things that online shoppers do when they are shopping will be household chores, instore comparison shopping, cooking, dining out and working errands. Less than 20% of online shoppers have shopped while commuting. Thats perhaps because most people in the Circumstance. S. drive to operate and fewer people employ mass transit to travel time. But more than 6% of online shoppers have shopped while driving and a few more than that have shopped online although exercising. Would everyone please be careful. Of all daily activities carried out while shopping, people manage to want less distraction even though they are walking the dog than at any other time. This ranked lowest of all activities for the time when customers shop online....Read Detail
Customer reviews:
Date: 23 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Date: 23 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Good price, good quality, fast delivery (7 days) 두번째로 구입하는 RION 빕숏 입니다. 첫번째 구매는 발송부터 도착까지 10일이 걸렸으며 두번째 주문에는 발송부터 도착까지 7일밖에 걸리지 않았습니다. RION Official Store의 빠른 배송에 매우 만족하며, 같은 시간에 주문한 Specxel Official Store의 제품은 아직까지도 가짜 발송번호만을 남긴채 실제로는 물건을 발송하고 있지 않습니다. Specxel 의 제품은 주문을 취소할 것이고 앞으로는 이용하지 않을 것 입니다. 저는 173cm의 키에 68kg의 몸무게, 허리사이즈는 30인치(76cm)입니다. rion의 'S size(US)' (asian M) 사이즈가 잘 맞습니다. 제품에 굉장히 만족하고 있으며 앞으로 또 구입할 것 입니다.
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 19 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
빠른배송과 이전에 사용했더니 넘 좋아서 다시 주분했네요. 앞으로도 계속 구매할듯해요~
Date: 17 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Cómo siempre, producto de excelente calidad y aún más este que trae la Interfaz Elástica. 180cm y 80 kg, pedí la talla L y me queda perfecta. La pruebo en un recorrido largo y hago descripción adicional.
Date: 03 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
super fast shipping awesome quality for the price, i will test it earlier today and leave another feed
Date: 24 Feb 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
170cm 58kg s사이즈 만족합니다!
Date: 28 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Pantaloncini che non hanno nulla da invidiare a marchi blasonati italiani. Vestono molto bene, ottime cuciture, le bretelle sono senza cuciture e molto elastiche. Rimango perfettamente in posizione durante la pedalata e per uscite di 5-6 ore il pad è perfetto, nessun dolore. Veste molto bene la schiena ed è traspirante. Sono alto 182 x 77kg ho preso una M, mi va molto aderente ma è così che deve essere. Ottimo acquisto lo consiglio
Date: 10 Mar 2021Logistics: Singapore Post
Product seems pretty good so far size M 171cm and 76kg. If you like a longer leg go larger. I’m fairly stocky and the fit is fine I would actually like more support around the groin. Padding is well stitched but quite wide at the front so not much support for the tackle. Most the stitching is bulky particularly around the leg cuff, I think this is the difference between a big brand and the Ali gear. My Cuore gear has almost no seams but it’s 2 x the price. Test ride will tell more. Shipping very fast for Ali :-)
Date: 13 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Sin duda, de los que he probado, el mejor calidad/precio. Probado en salidas de entre 2-3 horas y sin problemas. Acabados muy buenos y con badana elastic interface. Muy cómodo y transpirable. talla M para 175 cm y 75 kg. Sin duda repetiré.
Date: 21 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Buenisima calidad, lo unico una talla menos de la que uso europea mejor.
Date: 02 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Es mi segunda prenda que compro Rion y seguiré comprando, muy buenos. Mido 1,73 y peso 73 k, compre M, me quedo un poquito apretado en muslos, pero estan bakanes.
Date: 06 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
패드가 생각보다 두껍고 잘 받쳐줍니다. 입고 타보니 아주 좋네요. 172cm/65kg 인데 M이 잘 맞네요.
Date: 02 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Muy buena calidad de acabados. Badana para 2-3 horas. Envio super rapido. Comunicación con el vendedor de 10
Date: 20 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
175cm, 76kg. m사이즈 타이트하게 맞습니다. 패드 개선판인데 이전 버전과는 달리 패드가 걸리는 느낌없이 부드럽습니다.
Date: 19 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
178키로 74입니다 라지는 헐렁합니다 미듐으로 하세요 그리고 이전버전에 없던 포춘생깁니다ㅠㅠ
Date: 19 Nov 2020Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Date: 08 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
A ver, es un culotte de menos de 30€ con badana elástic inerterface (de las más básicas de la marca, pero funciona mejor que otras supuestas de gama alta) , confeccionado con buenos materiales, igual sobra alguna costura en el camal pero no molesta, la talla es correcta, igual que marcas conocidas, la misma talla que usas normalmente, probado en el mes de marzo sin mucha transpiración, así que, no se como funcionará en pleno verano sudando a tope, salida de menos de tres horas y bien. El envío fue muy rápido días desde la comanda, en resumen por el precio que pagas no encuentras nada mejor, ni en decathlon.
Date: 01 Dec 2020Logistics: Singapore Post
I am 1.74m, 78.5 kg. Would be good I get size M, cause I prefer to be good fit. Now a bit loose. Thanks
Date: 02 Apr 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
Acabado bueno , ahora a probarlo en la carretera
Date: 29 Jan 2021Logistics: AliExpress Standard Shipping
excellent quality with good price ! 172cm 67kg S size is pretty good